Thanks for your interest in giving.
This page explains the different ways available to you to give, and where the money goes.
Giving to the church is an important part of our worship. If you are a visitor to the church there is no expectation on you to give. Amongst the regular members of our congregation some people choose to tithe and give a set percentage of their income to the church while others give what they can afford. There is no set amount, how much you give is a decision you must make with God considering your own circumstances.
Ways to give
Cash (please do not send cash in the post, cash will be collected during in-person gatherings)
​Standing Order
Bank Transfer
Cheque (made payable to Life and Light Fellowship Church)
Bank Details
Bank: Barclays Bank Plc.
Account Name: Life and Light Fellowship Church.
Sort Code: 20-09-03
Account Number: 10573388